Climate change & our indvidual contribution:

January 19, 2011
Climate change is for real and its alarming impact is evident all around us.In the US, on an average, a passenger car emits more than 5 tons of Co2 every year.
The average American home emits four tons CO2 per person every year.
As a global citizen each of us can help reducing carbon emission by following ways:
a) We could use our own transport only when absolutely necessary.
b) Using energy-saving electrical equipment.
c) Cutting down fewer trees & planting more.
d) Preventing wastage of water through use. 

Save Tree & Plant more Trees

July 29, 2010
India consumes 8.50million tonne of Paper annually.

India fells 17 trees & consumes 7000 gallons of water for each tonne of paper produced.

By 2025, Paper consumption is estimated to be 26 million tonne.

This means cutting of 300 million trees & consumption of 100 trillion gallons of water.

Recycle more Paper to save tree.

Source:Report published in April 5, 2009 issue of Business Today.

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Overweight Vs. Greenhouse Gasses

April 23, 2009
According to a study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical medicine, overweight people contribute 1 tonne of more Co2 than the average person a year. Since overweight people eat more than thin people.

 According to researchers Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts-study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, higher food consumption means higher food production, which means higher greenhouse gasses.

Source of information-Report published in TOI dated-22-4-2009

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Earth Hour

April 19, 2009
The Earth Hour, where people switch off lights for an hour, is a campaign started by world wide Fund for nature in 2007 to create awareness about climate change and environmental problems. It was based on an idea successfully implemented in Thailand in 2005 and later in Sydney in 2007.
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E-mail Spam & Environment

April 19, 2009
According to one report ”Carbon footprint of E-mail Spam Report”, 62 trillion spam e-mails are sent globally every year, which is equivalent to 17 million tons of CO2 emission ,according to the research by climate consultants ICF International and anti virus firm McAfee.

Source of information-Report published in The TOI dated-18-4-2009.
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New ISRO satellite study says 75% of Himalayan Glaciers are melting, 8% advancing and 17% showing no change. Average retreat was an alarming 3.75 Km between 1989 & 2004. 2190 Glaciers were studied, with experts making field trips to confirm satellite data. The Findings are sure to raise concern over the health of Asia's 'water Towers'.

 There is sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.---Mohandas K Gandhi


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